The mission of Alaska Hospitality Retailers Anchorage is to serve and represent the hospitality industry within the Municipality of Anchorage.
Collaborate with responsible members, stakeholders, and businesses as a vital part of the community.
Civil Penalty Program
The Civil Penalty Program consists of assisting members with procedures, and policies and providing information about minor civil penalty law. Our office will compile information from the member about the minor case; prepare case folders; prepare letters and court documents; coordinate party notification for court appearance; and accompany the member at court hearings. We then prepare reports and distribute results to the member and parties involved. Follow Title 4 procedures on underage drinking and minor consumption 04.16.060.
Security Training
“Security Training Program” started in January 2005, and we are pleased with the results. The purpose is to train bar and nightclub security personnel to a high and uniform standard throughout the Municipality of Anchorage for the protection of its citizens.
We have partnered with Nightlife Security Consultants (NSC), the premier security training experts on providing knowledgeable training and consulting services to minimize risk and maximize safety, to offer convenient online training programs. This training is appropriate for security personnel for all hospitality venues including for concerts, restaurants that have special events, special events promoters, etc. AKHR Members will enjoy up to a 33% discount on NSC training programs. Make sure to use the following discount codes when you sign up online.
Security Guard Essentials Training | 3.5-hour program – Use Discount Code AKHRSGE
National HOST Platinum Security Training | 12-hour program – Use Discount Code AKHRNHP
How to Recognize an Intoxicated Person
Everyone who drinks runs the danger of consuming alcohol excessively. Unfortunately, some people don’t know how to manage their alcohol intake. This changes a person’s behavior and makes it difficult to manage their actions. It can therefore increase the risk of an awful and unexpected outcome.
So how can you tell if a person is showing signs of intoxication? The person will exhibit symptoms of drunkenness in their behavior, coordination, and appearance. The following are examples of the behavioral cues a person may display:
1. Becoming talkative or loud indicates lowered inhibitions
2. Using foul language or misbehaving, indicating impaired judgment
3. Moving very slowly or unfocused eyes displaying slowed reactions
4. Stumbling or swaying indicates a loss of coordination
The list does not include many intoxication rate factors, which we shall discuss later. READ MORE ON THE TiPS WEBSITE.
TIPS Alcohol Traning
TIPS (Training for Intervention ProcedureS) is a dynamic, skills-based training program designed to prevent intoxication, drunk driving and underage drinking by enhancing the fundamental “people skills” of servers, sellers and consumers of alcohol. TIPS gives individuals the knowledge and confidence they need to recognize potential alcohol-related problems and intervene to prevent alcohol-related tragedies. We are currently developing virtual classes where you can take the course at the convenance of your office, home, or basically anywhere. See the current training information and schedule.
Which States Allow Online Alcohol Purchases?
We all like the conveniences of delivery – whether it’s dinner, groceries, or alcohol. The problem is that with a restricted substance like alcohol, delivery isn’t automatically legal. In most cases, jurisdictions have had to set up specific permit types and laws to accommodate residential shipping or delivery of alcoholic beverages.
These laws are changing very fast, so it can be hard to keep track of where it’s legal and what the rules are. In this blog, we do our best to help you sort out which states allow you to buy alcohol online, which states allow alcohol delivery, and other related questions.
GO TO: Alaska Approved Alcohol Server Training
IMPORTANT: Online training does not fulfill regulatory requirements in this state. You may complete this course for employer-required training or educational purposes. If you would like to obtain state-approved certification, please enroll in a classroom course.
Alaska Hospitality Retailers Anchorage – PO Box 242023 Anchorage, AK 99524
Email: [email protected]
Phone Number: 907.646.4628
AHRA is a 501c6 nonprofit organization.
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